The Change Up is sometimes one of the hardest pitches to learn. There are so many different ways to throw a change up out there and some times pitchers will become confused and struggle with the accuracy on a change.
The Change Up that I teach was actually created when I mixed a couple different change ups together. My students have nothing but success with this pitch. It is quick and easy to learn and a batter can't tell your throwing it because you throw it as fast as you can.
Throwing this pitch would be very difficult with out my supervision, so this article is more for my students that have already learned it but want a reminder on some of the things they need to work on.
Hold the ball with a Horse Shoe Grip.
Take your arm around the same way you do a Fastball only flip the hand to the side. This would put the horse shoe facing upward as you follow through.
As you pass your hip to complete the pitch, keep your arm completely straight and then open your hand tell your fingers are stiff and straight. You will open your hand about 2 inches below the shoulder and stop straight across from your shoulder.
That's it. The concept is pretty simple, but getting the rhythm down will take some practice.
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