What comes first Speed or Accuracy? The Answer is neither one, the first thing is proper form. You must learn proper form which will actually help with both accuracy and speed. Proper form involves working on snap and a good windmill pitch with a proper follow through. For information on how to learn these things, simply click on the Beginning Pitchers tab on the left(under the Pitching tab) Once the proper form is learned then you can worry about Accuracy or Speed. If a pitcher has the form learned then the next step will actually depend on the time of year. The off season which is roughly August 2nd-February 1st is the time of year where students will work on increasing speed and learning new pitches. If the pitcher is ready to move on and it is the Regular season which is February 2nd-August 1st, then that is the time to work on Accuracy. Why are they divided? The answer is simple, some things that are done for increasing Speed can make Accuracy very difficult, thus it is better to work on speed when you don't have to worry about Accuracy, in the off season there are no games being played so there is no worry about needing to be Accurate. You can work on them at the same time, but not as strongly, you will definitely make a larger increase of speed when your not worrying about Accuracy.
How Does Accuracy and Speed Work with One Another? The truth is that they actually help one another in a way. Having speed will cause something called back spin. Back spin causes the ball to spin rapidly and straight, keeping the ball level and prevent it from going high. When a pitcher slows down her ball will often throw very high, that is why the slower pitchers have an arch to their ball. Accuracy fits in with speed because in order to be accurate you have to snap your wrist properly and in doing so you will actually increase the speed of the pitch, thus they both work together helping make each other easier and better. To be Accurate you must have Speed and to have Speed you must have Accuracy. It is possible to have some Speed or some Accuracy with out the other, but you will not be working at your full potential unless you learn how to have both work together.
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